Friday, August 1, 2014

I Survived Spanish!

Here's a post just because. I actually have a little bit of time to write today. My Spanish class is finally over! It was four weeks instead of five like my elective. Today was our oral final and yesterday was the written exam. I also did a presentation on how to make Galletas de mantiquilla de mani (peanut butter cookies) today. It was fun, and after everyone's presentations we had a little fiesta. Our Spanish teacher was so kind and patient. I'm sad that we had to say goodbye to her today. I realized that I never posted a picture of the university so you can check it out below. My final weekend here is quickly approaching, and I couldn't be more excited. I'm going to the Arenal Volcano, the La Fortuna waterfall, Baldi hot springs, and ZIPLINING! I feel like a little kid in a candy shop. Ziplining was the one activity I wanted to do when I found out I was coming to Costa Rica. I will have to wait until Sunday to find out how it is! Next week I will have a lot of time to explore since I will only have class Monday-Wednesday for two hours a day. My class is going on a field trip to downtown San Jose and hopefully we will be able to see the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Our professor is still working on getting it set up. I'm not leaving until next Saturday, the ninth so I should have some time to finish picking up souvenirs and hopefully see a movie at the Cinemark here.

Last day of Spanish class

Universidad Veritas
 (I'm not sure why the picture flipped, but I couldn't fix it)
Pura Vida.

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